So here are some most frequently asked questions when looking into the American Bully!

* Is the American Bully an offical dog breed?

Yes they are. With history of the American Bully breed beginning inI the 90's, The American Bully breeed was first recoginzed by the American Bully Kennel Club and became an offical breed inI 2004. The United Kennel Club followed inI 2013. There are many more registeries that recoginze the breed like (ICBR,BBCR,and EBKC)

*Is the American Bully aggresive?

The American Bully was bred to be a compainion animal, with a pleasant temperament. According to the offical breeding standards, the American Bully is a companion breed. These dogs are friendly with children, family members, and strangers, confident and also gentle. Their apperance is usually very muscular, but dont be mislead by their looks. These dogs have been bred to be a companion which means all the aggression has be bred out of genetics long ago.The American Bully is extremely adaptable, caring, and playful. This makes them great additions to the families with children or even yourself for a friend!

*Does an American Bully have health issues?

They do tend to have some issues most common being Enlongated soft palat, Enlarged heart, heart murmurs, hip dysplasia, joint & elbow problems. This is why we are careful on who we breed to. We also have the dog health tested before breeding to make sure the female is suitable to breed and carry a litter. Alot of research goes into each litter and choosing the mates. All pups will come health certified.

*How much does an American Bully cost?

Our American Bullies typically cost anywhere from $8,000-$15,000 depends on the sire (male) and dam (female) that are paired up to breed. Some liters could be priced cheaper or some could be more this all is varied off the genetics. As there are many risk for breeding these dogs, they require artifical inIsemination to breed and usually require a C-section to birth the puppies. The price of this breed can vary in the sense of the dog owner, as they may purchase this breed for a family dog or for show. Show dogs that are intended to be the breeding stock will have a much higher price then family pets.

*Do we require a contract?

Yes, we do require a contract for all servies provided. We have a puppy contract and stud contract, ect. In the contracts we have the terms and conditions along with all our guarantees listed in the contract.

*Do we offer support?

We will continue to help as best as we can if you have any questions or concerns once you have taken your pup home. We will never leave any pup or person out in the dark ifI we have the means to help. If we do not know the answers or how we can help support, we will definately find the answers on how to find the proper help.

*When do you need to go for the first vet visit?

We recommend that you visit with your vet within 3-14 days of you aquiring one of our pups although all of our pups have been examed, vaccinated and health certified. It is up to you to go to your vet and follow up with exams and needed shots after the pup leaves our care.

*Do we belong to a breed club?

Yes, We are affilated with ABKC, therefore when you recieve one of our pups you will have all health certificates along with the ABKC paperwork for you to register the puppy.

*What do we provide with the sale of a puppy?

We provide a copy of the dogs medical records inIdicating vaccinations, deworming and any ilIlness along with treatments provided (if needed). Health Certification (flight certification), ABKC puppy registration paperwork, receipt of payment along with the executed puppy contract. A couple (2-3) days worth of food, along with our contact information. A towel/blanket/piece of fabric/toy with the moms scent on itI it so they feel safe during travel.

*Have the puppys been dewormed?

All puppys are born with worms and routine deworming is reccomended. This often begins as early as 2 weeks of age and most puppies have atleast one dose of deworming by 6 weeks of ages. To answer this question, yesv- all puppies inI our care will be dewormed and sent with the medical records.

*When should a puppy recieve it's first bath?

A puppy should recieve itIsit first bath around 8 weeks of age. As the puppy grows from the day it it was born to 8 weeks, we do take a warm damp washcloth and wipe the puppy down. No soap as they itI it will throw the scent and PH levels off that young. Washing a puppy with a shampoo before 8 weeks could also result in an allergy.

* Has the puppy been socialized?

Socialization is critial in puppies ages 6-16 weeks. Proper socialization consists of positive experiences with humans and other dogs of varying ages. Our puppies are socialized with the other dogs in our kennel. All of our dogs are free-roam as they sleep in beds, on dog beds, wonder the house/yard, ect. We have dogs of all ages and they mingle and play with eachother. On top of the other dogs in the kennel, we also have children (along with friends) who play with the dogs/pups, walk them, bathe them, feed them.